2019 Knowledge Aware Conference Presentations

Auros Knowledge Systems
The Big Picture of Knowledge Aware
Jeff Moffa shared an overview of the Knowledge Aware approach. From the presentation, listeners will be able to:
- Gain a basic understanding of what the Knowledge Aware approach is
- Understand the benefits of the Knowledge Aware approach
- Learn about the unique use cases of how the Knowledge Aware approach is used
- Learn about the ten tenets of the Knowledge Aware approach

Auros Knowledge Systems
Advanced Features I
From this session, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the advanced features offered by Auros Knowledge Systems.
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Knowledge Aware Consultant
Auros Knowledge Systems
Applying the Knowledge Aware Technique within CAD Applications
This presentation will review how the Knowledge Aware technique can be extended into CAD applications and the benefits of integration. We will review common CAD connector practices, as well as, examine some common misconceptions about the application of knowledge within CAD environments. Multiple CAD connector demonstrations will be reviewed to compare and contrast each approach.
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Auros Knowledge Systems
Advanced Features II
From this session, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the advanced features offered by Auros Knowledge Systems.
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Technical Services Manager and Knowledge Aware Consultant
Auros Knowledge Systems
Auros Fundamentals: An Interactive Exercise
This presentation highlights the differences between Knowledge Aware and the traditional document-based library approach to knowledge management. You will learn the failure modes associated with the document-based approach and how to avoid them by becoming more Knowledge Aware.
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Technical Services Manager and Knowledge Aware Consultant
Auros Knowledge Systems
Fundamentals: A deeper look at Knowledge Packets and Assessment Controls
This presentation will give you a better understanding of the fundamental tools in Auros; Knowledge Packets and Assessment Controls. You will learn how to identify where Assessments fit within your organization, as well as what the Knowledge Packets within those Assessments might look like.
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Technical Services Manager and Knowledge Aware Consultant
Auros Knowledge Systems
Getting Started: Managing Change in a Bottom up Implementation
This presentation will explore the process of implementing a Knowledge Aware solution. You will learn the common challenges associated with organizational change, as well as best practices to aide in navigating a Knowledge Aware transformation.
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Detroit Flying Cars
Failure: A Show-Stopper or Stepping Stone to Innovation
In this talk, he will discuss the role of failures & mistakes in the journey of innovation. He will also discuss the precarious and uncertain balance, the double edge sword of action and sound judgment; and room for overarching trepidation in moving forward into uncertain space.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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PLM Elder & Advisor PLM Leader
CIMdata / General Motors (Retired 2019)
Experiences with Knowledge Aware and Auros
General Motors developed PLM Themes a decade ago to drive PLM Innovation. “Just the Right Information, to Just the Right People, at Just the Right Time” became our rallying cry. Themes included Connect People, Visual It, and Apply Knowledge. Auros was first applied by small groups within GM to aid in Knowledge-Based Engineering. KBE applications used Auros based criteria to automate key designs occurring on the critical path of product development. As our experiences grew, more and more users explored using Auros and expansion grew from the grassroots. A summary of the journey and how Auros helps “Apply Knowledge” will be presented by Craig Brown as he recalls the expansion with GM.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Global Program Manager
Program Management Launch Excellence Tool
BorgWarner Program Management community developed and implemented the Auros tool to allow PM’s to more effectively manage the launch process, create global read-across / alignment, and eliminate manual reporting/data chasing. The presentation will cover the background that drove the BW team to engage with the Auros seed project, the development and implementation phase, how the tool is being used today on launching programs, and next steps to further enhance the tool for the BW program managers.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Sr. Engineer – Integrated Product Development
Custom Auros Reporting through Power BI
Navistar presents how they use analytics tools such as Microsoft Power BI to access Auros and other systems’ data to create customized reports and tools. This effort over the past year has strengthened existing use-cases of Auros, accelerated adoption of newly implemented processes, and increased potential for new projects.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Cool K-PAC Competition
Three of the top K-PAC competitors will be sharing their favorite Knowledge Packets in front of a live crowd. The crowd will take a vote on who has the ‘Best K-PAC.’ The winner will take home the Cool K-PAC Competition trophy.
Contestants include Nic Cassaday from Navistar (winner), Darryl Yarbrough from General Motors, and Jimmy Wroblewski from Auros Knowledge Systems.
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Technical Services Manager and Knowledge Aware Consultant
Auros Knowledge Systems
A Knowledge Aware Narrative: Walking the Walk
A story of discovering Knowledge Aware and it’s propensity for organic growth regardless of scale or industry. This discussion will focus on atypical applications of the ‘Knowledge Aware’ technique and their realized impact on non-engineering business functions. Additionally, we’ll explore planned expansion at Auros and the anticipated advancements to come.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Process Manager
General Motors
General Motors Team Board Integration
The presentation will walk through the steps taken to migrate the prior Excel-based Peer Review process into Auros. It will explain how Team Boards are utilized throughout the Peer Review process, along with how General Motors project timing has been integrated into Auros. Finally, we will discuss how the flexibility of Method K-Pacs and Team Boards have allowed General Motors to optimize the Peer Review process, while also integrating other engineering assessments into the Team Boards.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Engineering Specialist – Knowledge Management
Going for Green, Embracing the Red
Tim Glaue (Engineering Specialist – Knowledge Management at Caterpillar) shares on the Knowledge Aware Delta model.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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Auros Knowledge Systems
What’s New with Auros & Closing Remarks
If you’re an Auros customer or prospective customer, stay around to hear what’s new with Auros Knowledge Systems technology.
Click here to download the slide deck.
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